My photography fan (I hope you're fans of my music as well)! How are you doing?
I edited this photograph of myself not to long ago to send out as a press photograph for my music.
I'm pretty pleased with my attitude towards being in the photography industry because I treated this photograph no different than how I would have edited a photograph of my clients; I gave it my all!
The only thing that differs my clients product to mine is that they had me take the photograph for them, this one I asked Smooth to take a snap shot before our show last night (the photography shown below is the original).
We were in the hall way and I told my DJ/ Engineer to stand in the front of me I adjusted the light for my SB-900 strobe and threw F 5 - 1/125s on my 14-24 mm F 2.8 lens out at 15 mm with ISO 500, witched places with him the there came that photograph (Dwanye wipes sweat off face and does a long inhale exhale before return to this letter. :) )
The above wasn't a must, however, learning the your settings of your camera is a must. Doing so you'll be able to shoot as quick as we needed this shot before walking on to stage!
Now what has been going on?
I'm going to squeeze a little more into this letter to you about editing my poor man's photo shoot's portrait . I finished my music video shot by Ernesto Prieto and Julian Malagon (a.k.a. Jude) and released it last week on my YouTube channel - DT TV: but here's the video embedded below:
I haven't release the cover of my mixtape was done by an artist friend of mine in Miami
There's a ton of work involved after creating the the music, that in itself is a ton of work. right now I'm a the stage where I feel like I've been proposed by a client to market and artist using my skills but I'm paying for the client's budget. I wouldn't want to mess up my clients project with the money therefore I'm treating my Somewhat Good Is Okay Mixtape Vol1. project with the same respect as I treat my clients.
It's still an exciting skills and believe it or not everything that I've learnt from the photography industry still applies, as far as dead lines, proposals, team work, communication etc. I'm not going to tell a lie, me being aware of how saturated the music industry is scares the shit out of me in a way that frights my patients, however I feel as if I'm here to offer the industry quality work and leave my mark / history within the music industry.
Lastly, the most exciting thing of my day yesterday was seeing my mixtape with that little red stripe saying sponsored on now anyone can stream / download my mixtape for free without be forced to sign up for an DP account if you don't want one. Below I embedded the mixtape from DatPiff for you to hear for yourself, my music, and enjoy/ download it!
Keep on shooting!
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