D.Tucker & Kid Smooth @ 90.5fm Miami

D.Tucker and Kid Smooth at 90.5fm in Miami.

I hope everyone is doing good here on We Have Fun, once again I'm saying that I haven't forgotten about you guys, you all are amazing to me and very special. As you know how I'm venturing deeper into the music industry, this time not photographing but putting music of my own out there for you to enjoy.

I originally started this blog to share tips of hustling with photography and I'll still provide tips here and there when I can.

Being a photographer is in my blood, so is music, but just because I've been focusing on my music doesn't mean that my photographer is all done.

I took my camera out the other day and noticed that I'm truly a geek! lol

Anyways, thank you all for being a part of my moments etc.
The photograph above was last week at a radio show here in Miami. That's my DJ Kid Smooth on right with me at the radio station in Miami, Florida. We had fun and an amazing time at the radio station. They played three of my songs.  Love It, Hate It; The Beginning and Long Dreaming. After the songs played I closed with a the traditional freestyle to close the show. Great times!

More updates are comings soon..keep checking my blog and thanks for tuning in!

::We Have Fun::

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