Drake's Comment

A really good friend of mine is one of the authors of the blog, Life Is Too Precious - So Destroy It.

I stumbled upon a blog entry she posted titled, For Everyone, which included a disturbing comment Drake made about Tumblr, 

“I’m really scared for my generation, you know. The thing that scares me most is Tumblr. I hate what Tumblr has become. Because it like, it reminds me of those clique-y girls in high school that used to make fun of everyone else and define what was cool, but in five years, when you all graduate, that shit doesn’t matter. No one gives a fuck about that shit. Instead of kids going out and making their own moments, they’re just taking these images and living vicariously through other people’s moments. It just kills me. Then you’ll meet them and they’re just the biggest turkey in the world. They don’t actually embody any of those things. They just emulate. It’s scary man, simulation life that we’re living. It scares me.”

 - Drake

I left a comment shortly after reading. 

"I'm NOT sorry but I somewhat disagree with Drake on this one. I'm a visual person, I like to be inspired by great images, I'm inspired by beautiful women, and I love to see awesome skateboarding photographs. Those are some of the things I reblog on Tumblr. The only part I agree with Drake on is "what it has become". That doesn't mean that he should (if he even has one) change the way he uses his Tumblr; if he doesn't have one, perhaps he should use it the way he think is the right way to use it. Hopefully, doing so will inspire others to do the same." 

- D. Tucker

I decided to share that on my blog with a positive response extension from Drakes, "Instead of kids going out and making their own moments..."

Before I go any further, to those whom are coming here for the first time I were a photographer for the last ten years but I paused my title as a professional photographer to continue a career within the music industry. As a photographer then and now, I look at images to inspire me, good photographs. So I guess I looked at them with a purpose to see somethings that would work I photographed the way I do and things that didn't work / to say, "Oh if I tried this way it would be like this if I did it." then I'll get up get out and do it. 

So Drake, I do agree with you on that part about kids not going out and making their own moments, that's when it become a problem. 

Follow My Tumblr

I think kids should use Tumblr to make a collection of the things they like and find people of similar interest, message those people, talk to those people and most important use Tumblr as an inspirational community. Not one where you end up being like the, clique-y girls in high school that used to make fun of everyone else and define what was cool..." I post about beautiful women because beautiful women inspire me to do everything that I do better (that's just the way it is),  I blog about skateboarding because I've been skate boarding from I were nine years old and it's a part of my lifestyle, the rest of the things are meaningful as well some for personal reasons and some for others / I may find a quote that will inspire an entire photo shoot or bring back a personal memory that will inspire an entire song. 

I'll be closing out on that.

D. Tucker
We Have Fun | YachtLife